Now it’s much easier to create highly sophisticated 3D models. Tgi3D SU Amorph empowers you while creating and editing free form curves and surfaces. It also improves SketchUp's extrusion capabilities.
Tgi3D SU Amorph requires SketchUp v7.1 or higher.
View locking
View locking (Patent No. US8947423) is a central feature of Tgi3D SU. View locking a vertex constrains the 3D position of that vertex in such a way that the appearance from the locked view is invariant. That is, further edits to the vertex in other views do not affect its position in the locked view. You will notice that the movement of the view locked vertex is restricted on a line in other views. This line is the line that connects the original position of the vertex to the view's optic center. In its simplest usage, a vertex is locked from one view and then the vertex is moved to its correct position in other views.
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Automatic surface generation
Tgi3D SU has the capability to automatically generate mesh surface inside a given boundary with optimum smoothness. The user has ultimate control over where to place creases if any. The user also can force the surface to pass from given control points. The mesh resolution is controlled by the given boundary resolution.
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Smart surface editing
In Tgi3D SU, surfaces can be made to follow curves. Tgi3D SU Bezier curves function as control curves when they are woven as a part of mesh surface. By editing those curves, and subsequently smoothing the associated surfaces, you can easily modify surfaces with a high degree of control.
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Smart curve editing
Tgi3D SU is able to convert poly-lines or collections of lines to a Bezier curve with a single click. Bezier curves change form smoothly and intuitively under the Tgi3D move tool. You can even view-lock Bezier curves and expect Tgi3D move tool to respect the view locks, enabling easy drawing of 3D fluid forms.
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Smart surface smoothing
Tgi3D SU performs automatic surface smoothing by minimizing surface bending and stretching energy on the selected surface. Smoothing generates flawless, natural looking surfaces with great ease and control. You can fix desired vertices to prefered coordinates. You can place creases on the surface where bending energy is ignored. Surface smoothing recognizes view-locks, if any, constraining vertex motions.
Surface upsampling
Using Tgi3D SU you can increase resolution of a selected surface, whilst preserving hard curved and linear edges, and smoothness of the interpolated surface. It is a great tool to recover realistic high resolution 3D features from low-poly count models.
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Extrusion cross section editing
Tgi3D SU comes with a capability to edit linear or curved extrusions efficiently, which is very useful for matching objects in oblique photographs. With this tool you can create new cross sections, move, expand or shrink cross sections along an extrusion. This tool can also be used to design complex shaped meshes quickly.
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Smart shape idealization
Using Tgi3D SU you can convert selected shapes that have almost planar surfaces to idealized shapes (i.e. shapes with planar surfaces and prescribed face crease angles) automatically with minimal changes. This can be useful for further edits.
Smart selection
When working with surface meshes, significant amount of effort is in selection. Tgi3D SU Select Tool brings several selection options to quickly select and deselect desired portions of geometry.
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Smart texturing
Smart texturing enables you easily create, seamlessly merge and paint image textures on smooth curved surfaces, while keeping existing image textures. The produced texture images can be accessed from Sketchup's Materials window and edited with your favourite image editor.
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Surface downsampling
Using Tgi3D SU you can decrease resolution of a selected surface, whilst preserving hard curves.
Object warping
With the Warper tool, you can warp selected objects (or surfaces) into amazing forms using a simple and efficient interface.
Watch reshaping objects with Tgi3D SU Warper Tool
Watch deformation of a textured object with Tgi3D SU Warper Tool
Watch affine transformation with Tgi3D SU Warper Tool
Map to Terrain NEW!
This utility applies a warping function that transforms the xy-plane to a given target, typically terrain data from Google Earth. This tool has different options regarding component instances for mapping to terrain; none, translate, rigid (translate and rotate), affine, and full.
Watch creating (and mapping) buildings and objects on terrain surfaces
Channel extrude NEW!
This tool extrudes a profile along a path while keeping the profile rotation restricted to the z axis. Thus a horizontal edge remains horizontal throughout the extrusion. This is useful to create roads, landfill skirts (where the skirting angle is specified), or hedges etc.
Watch creating (and mapping) buildings and objects on terrain surfaces
Resample path NEW!
This utility takes regular samples along given path(s) which comes in handy in cases like placing lamp posts, lane separators etc. along a curving, rising etc. road at regular intervals.
Watch creating (and mapping) buildings and objects on terrain surfaces
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